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The Evening Walk

I am someone who is comfortable with myself. I'm pretty habituated to doing things myself except for few. I love walking, when it is not in a hurry. So, one evening when I was in Intermediate, my college got over at 5 PM when it was supposed to be at 8 PM. Instead of going home, I wanted to explore the downtown's roads and get to know it. I love observing things and observing these rich people's lifestyle didn't seem any different. I borrowed earphones from my friend, set my playlist, tightened my backpack and started the trek in the city.

I never went across the VIP road. There seemed to be a big apartment coming up and it was in its construction phase. I had loads of time so I took the long route. Walked south by two blocks and turned east. Crossed the road and entered into the colony. Most of the houses were individual houses that would cost crores as of now. I kind off liked it when I saw this million dollar house with a Maruthi 800 car. My dad is sentimentally connected to ours and he doesn't want to buy a new car unless this one doesn't drive anymore. As someone who loved and knows stuff about cars, all my eyes go to them. There was a Mercedes Benz SLC 43. It was red and I kept saying to myself that one day I'll buy better cars. I took a right and found the building I wanted to see and it was in a messy construction phase with cement and sand everywhere.

That didn't seem marvellous however I was thinking cars by that time. Came out of the colony, walked along the road. There was Bethany School. Whenever I see missionary schools, I remember mine. St Aloysius Anglo-Indian High School, built a century before the Independence of India. Unlike most 'mono-building' schools of today, it is vast and it had a curriculum for all round development of students. I was the Kalinga House Captain and I had certain rights and duties as well. These days education is being commercialised and people dump tons of money to see their sons and daughters become duller and duller. As for studies, ours is affiliated to ICSE. That should tell you the rest.

This was going through my mind, when I came across 'Fresh Choice'. Anyway, I'm not going to reach home till half past eight, so I thought I should get something to eat. Plus, it was only half past five. That's because I am a fast walker. People who walk slow really get on my nerves. I walked in, ordered a 'Focaccia Veg Sandwich'. It was something Italian so, I tried it. I didn't want to waste time sitting so I started walking with the sandwich in my hand. I crossed the road and there was Ice Age. I then regretted buying the sandwich but I was okay with it.

India has big families. Girls, when they go out on a date, cover their faces because on the road could be her brother's friend's elder sister's boyfriend's aunt. A car pulled in right in front of me. To my no surprise, it was my uncle. He enquired where I was going and I told him the truth. I was doing nothing wrong so why hide? He said it way okay and he went away but before leaving he asked me to come over if I wanted to. I walked till HSBC and I knew I had to start walking back because it was 6 PM and I had to walk back to complex, through the streets instead of the road. I walked into 'Karachiwala' to buy a coke cause I finished my sandwich and had no water. 

I took the footpath and started walking up. The surprising fact is that, there was no one. People are walking on the roads instead of the footpath. It was a really new and nice path but Indians still love walking on the road, I guess. Anyway I took a left after I passed by 'Pastry and Coffee'. Though, it was the centre of the city and it had all the rich ones there, the streets were not lit at that time and it was dark. It was winter so past six gets dark. 

Things started to get dark as I walked into it. After about two minutes, everything was really dark. I can say that because I saw the radium on the  needles of my watch glowing. There was FoodEx but nothing else put out any light. It was very silent and I can hear my footsteps. There was a noise of my spoon hitting my lunch box in phase with my steps. Every small sound scared me because I didn't know what was it. Couple of steps later I discovered the incredible truth of the darkness and silence. It was a dead end and I had to walk all the way back.

By the time I was out of the street it was quarter less seven and I wasn't anymore than a few meters away from 'Karachiwala'. I had to walk fast because I don't want to miss the 8 PM bus. I walked along the road, but on the footpath. There was't a single entrance again and I was searching for one. I didn't find it till the one at 'Jos Alukas'. I went it. It was a very steep hill and I wondered how people drove up this without falling. It was fully crowded with students from different colleges. I walked in their opposite direction. I wanted to go in and see. This street is well lit up. I remember a green apartment whose name contained emerald in it, which pretty much matches.

My walking pace has reduced and I had to catch up because it was already half past seven. I took a right and started walking with no clue where I was headed to. I really hoped it wasn't a dead end. I didn't even care what song was playing but it helped. My legs started to ache a bit but I was already used to it. I had to make it home in time else I would be caught. I remembered this girl, who once circled the block three times and when I asked her out of curiosity, she told me that no one was at home and she didn't have the keys. Even then my mind didn't remember something relevant. I hated that faint sound of the spoon that was hitting my lunch box.

I made to the bus stop. Busses are never on time and while I was waiting for it, I met a school friend of mine. We had a good chat and we took the same bus. He was happy and so was I. I got off at my stop, waved good bye and walked to reach my home. I was literally hurrying because I was afraid that my auto driver might inform parents that our college was done by 5 PM. Every other stupid shit stormed my mind and I finally reached up. Rushed up the stairs only to remember that relevant thing I forgot. My parents told me that, my sister and them will be out of the city to attend a wedding and it'll be late by the time they reach home. The spoon never hit the lunch box. I wrapped it well in my napkin. It was the house keys.

Unlocked the door and went it. Found coffee and a note of my Mother's love saying there is dinner on the table. It was Chicken Biriyani. I had the coffee, took my bath and then had my dinner. I still don't get it why I wasn't able to remember that I had the keys in my bag even with three clues. My uncle asking me to come over,  the faint sound of keys that I mistook for spoon and the girl who didn't have the keys to her house.


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